Infos techniques Casio PB-700, Casio PB 1000, etc.
Manuels en ligne du Casio FP200:
3 programmes pour PB 770:
Le BASIC du Casio PB 770 diffère du BASIC du PB 700. Entre autre, PEEK et POKE font leur apparition !
Lien original:
Below is a list of commands with some brief comments:
There can be a maximum of 10 programs loaded in memory (P0-P9).
PROG n selects any of the areas for input or to run them. By pressing
[Shift]+n you can select and run a program in one go. An alternative is
to enter RUN n and [Return].
RUN runs the program in active area. If followed by a line number will
start from that line.
The BRK key will abort any running program.
The ANS key will stop the program. You can restart by entering CONT and
To write a program simply enter it line by line including line number
and press [Return]. Note that if the same line number already exists it
will be erased.
AUTO [first line number] [,increment] will generate automatic line
numbers. If any line is already present it will generate an error.
DELETE line number delets the line.
DELETE ln- delets from ln to end.
DELETE -ln delets from start up to ln.
DELETE ln-lm delets the lines ln to lm.
EDIT makes it possible to edit a line. Can be followed by a line
number. Use arrow keys (with shift for up/down) to move the cursor.
The DEL/INS key is used to make space or delete characters. Note that
it is possible to delete spaces between keywords to make place for more
complex lines (will show up with more than 79 characters when listed).
To move to next line press [Return]. [Shift]+[Return] will move to
previous line.
NEW will erase the active program area.
NEW ALL will erase all program areas and allocated DATA area and
PASS "up to eight characters" Password protects a program. If entered
again release the protection from editing and listing. If forgotten a
NEW ALL will be the "cure".
LOAD, SAVE with some parameters will load and save to tape.
SYSTEM displays some program area status etc.
VERIFY checks parity of data stored to tape.
ANGLE specifies angle unit: 1-degree, 2-radian, 3-grad.
BEEP or BEEP 0 a low pitch beep.
BEEP 1 a high pitch beep.
CHAIN loads and runs program from tape.
CLEAR clears all variables and FOR-NEXT stack. If followed by a number
also allocates memory up to RAM end: 8191, 16383, 24575 or 32764
depending on numbers of RAM packs. Can later be used with PEEK and POKE.
CLS Clear screen
DIM Dimension arrays. Only one letter names allowed. All varables are
floating point. If followed by a ! makes them "half precision". Arrays
can have up to two dimentions with 256 elements. String arrays can be
dimmed like: DIM A$(12)*6 meaning six characters/element.
DRAW dots and lines with the syntax: DRAW(x,y) or DRAW(x1,y1)-(x2,y2).
DRAWC erases dots and lines like above. Screen coordinates are (0,0) to
END ends a program.
ERASE [variable names] erases two letter variables and arrays. A two
letter variable is created by assigning it. Example: AA=2, CG$="nn".
FOR-TO-STEP-NEXT Standard BSIC FOR loops up to 6 levels.
GET Reads data into variables from tape.
GOSUB standard BASIC gosub to line number.
GOSUB PROG n uses another program area as subroutine.
GOTO line number
IF-THEN-ELSE Standard BASIC statement.
INPUT "promt",n
INPUT "promt";n
LOCATE x,y specifies cursor position 0<=x<20 0<=y<4
POKE adress,data writes a byte to memory adress.
PUT stores variable data to tape.
READ/DATA/RESTORE standard BASIC commands
REM comment
STOP suspends execution. Resume with CONT
TRON/TROFF trace programs
SIN sine of x according to ANGLE setting.
COS cosine of x.
TAN tangent of x
ASN, ACS, ATN arcsine etc.
HYPSIN, HYPCOS, HYPTAN hyperbolic functions.
HYPASN, HYPACS, HYPATN inverse hyperbolic functions.
SQR square root.
LOG natural logarithm
LGT common logarithm
EXP exponential function
ABS absolute value
INT integer part
FRAC fractional part
SGN sign of argument
PI returns pi
RND random number 0<=x<1
DEG(degrees[,minutes[,seconds]]) converts sexadecimal to decimal
INKEY$ returns code for pressed key if any. There is no input buffer so
it has to be pressed right when the command is executed. [Return] will
return CHR$(13) and [Enter] CHR$(23).
DMS$(value) returns value converted to a sexagesimal string.
HEX$(value) converts to 4-digit hexadecimal string.
TAB(value) perform tabultion in PRINT statements
USING used to format values like PRINT USING "###.##);A . With ^ as
last character gives value with exponent (scientific notation). To
format strings use "&&&&&".
POINT(x,y) returns 1 if screen dot at x,y is set.
STAT[x][,y][;frequency] enter data for linear regression calculations.
STAT CLEAR clears statistic memories.
STAT LIST display basic statisitics. STAT LLIST utputs to printer.
CNT returns number of data.
COR returns correlation coefficient.
SUMX returns sum of x.
SUMY returns sum of y.
SUMX2 returns sum of (x^2).
SUMY2 returns sum of (y^2).
SUMXY returns sum of (x*y).
MEANX returns mean value of x.
MEANY returns mean value of y.
SDX returns sample standard deviation of x.
SDY returns sample standard deviation of y.
SDXN returns population standard deviation of x.
SDYN returns population standard deviation of y.
EOX value returns estimated value of x in terms of y.
EOY value returns estimated value of y in terms of x.
LRA returns linear regression constant term.
LRB returns linear regression coefficient.
&H hex value converts to decimal.
Le Casio VX-4 est un pocket destiné à l'éducation. Il se programme en BASIC, C et CASL.
Le BASIC et le C sont rudimentaires. Il n'existe pas d'instructions graphiques.
Quelques trucs glanés de ci de là:
SYSTEM* lance un utilitaire de test. ATTENTION, efface la mémoire. Choisir la touche EXE lance les tests I/O. Si on interrompt le test, les zone P3 à P9 contiennent les programmes BASIC de test
PEEK, POKE existent mais ne fonctionnent pas. CALL n'existe pas. A priori, pour utiliser du code assembleur, il faut bidouiller avec DEFCHR$ et utiliser MODE110 pour appeller le code.
MODE110(adresse) = CALL(adresse)
Liens VX-4: