Article Created: 21 October 1991 Article Reviewed/Updated: 15 August 1994 TOPIC ------------------------------------------------------------- I need a system software compatibility chart that covers the entire Macintosh family and the version that each computer supports. DISCUSSION -------------------------------------------------------- Use the following chart to determine which version of system software you should be using on your Macintosh computer: KEY: ! Not supported OK Works with this version of system software * Works with this version of system software, but requires a Macintosh System Enabler (see below) System 7 Compatibility ---------------------- Macintosh 7.1.2 7 Pro 7.1 7.0.1 7.0 --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 128K ! ! ! ! ! 512K ! ! ! ! ! 512KE ! ! ! ! ! XL/Lisa ! ! ! ! ! Plus ! ! OK OK OK SE ! OK OK OK OK SE/30 ! OK OK OK OK Classic ! OK OK OK OK Classic II ! OK OK OK ! Color Classic ! OK OK ! ! Portable ! OK OK OK OK II ! OK OK OK OK IIx ! OK OK OK OK IIcx ! OK OK OK OK IIci ! OK OK OK OK IIfx ! OK OK OK OK IIsi ! OK OK OK OK IIvi,IIvx ! * * ! ! LC ! OK OK OK OK LC II ! OK OK OK OK LC III ! * * ! ! LC 475 ! * * ! ! LC 520 ! * * ! ! LC 630 * * * ! ! Centris 610 * * * ! ! Centris 650 * * * ! ! Centris 660AV * * * ! ! Quadra 605 ! * * ! ! Quadra 610 * * * ! ! Quadra 630 * * * ! ! Quadra 650 * * * ! ! Quadra 660AV * * * ! ! Quadra 700 * OK OK OK ! Quadra 800 * * * ! ! Quadra 840AV * * * ! ! Quadra 900,950 * OK OK OK ! PowerBook 100 ! OK OK OK ! PowerBook 140, ! OK OK OK ! 145,145B,170 PowerBook 160,180 ! * * ! ! PowerBook Duo ! * * ! ! 210,230,250,270c PowerBook Duo 280c * * * ! ! PowerBook 165c,180c ! * * ! ! System 6 Compatibility ---------------------- Macintosh 6.0.8 6.0.7 6.0.5 6.0.4 6.0.3 6.0.2 3.2 --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- --- 128K ! ! ! ! ! ! OK 512K ! ! ! ! ! ! OK 512Ke ! ! ! ! ! ! OK XL/Lisa ! ! ! ! ! ! OK Plus OK OK OK OK OK OK ! SE OK OK OK OK OK OK ! SE/30 OK OK OK OK OK OK ! Classic OK OK ! ! ! ! ! Classic II ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Color Classic ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Portable OK OK OK OK ! ! ! II OK OK OK OK OK OK ! IIx OK OK OK OK OK OK ! IIcx OK OK OK OK OK ! ! IIci OK OK OK OK ! ! ! IIfx OK OK OK ! ! ! ! IIsi OK OK ! ! ! ! ! IIvi,IIvx ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LC OK OK ! ! ! ! ! LC II OK ! ! ! ! ! ! LC III ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LC 475 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LC 520 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LC 630 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Macintosh TV ! Centris 610 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Centris 650 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Centris 660AV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 605 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 610 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 630 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 650 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 660AV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 700 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 800 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 840AV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Quadra 900,950 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PowerBook 100 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PowerBook 140, ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 145,145B,170 PowerBook 160,180 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PowerBook Duo ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 210,230,250,270c,280c PowerBook 165c,180c ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Note: System 3.2 is included because early Macintosh computers will not operate with System 6. System Enablers --------------- System Enablers are required for the Macintosh models indicated below with System 7.1 or later. Macintosh computers which require System Enablers will not operate properly with System 7.0.1 or earlier. This chart shows the appropriate System Enabler for the indicated Macintosh computer: Macintosh System Enabler Used Current Version Note --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Plus, SE, SE/30, Classic, Classic II, LC, LC II, Mac II, IIx, IIcx, IIsi, IIci, IIfx, PB 100/140/145/170, Quadra 700,900 and 950 do NOT need a System Enabler. Macintosh Centris 610 System Enabler 040 1.1 Macintosh Centris 650 System Enabler 040 1.1 Macintosh Centris 660AV System Enabler 088 1.1 Macintosh Color Classic System Enabler 401 1.0.5 Macintosh IIvi System Enabler 001 1.0.1 Macintosh IIvx System Enabler 001 1.0.1 Macintosh LC III System Enabler 003 1.0 Macintosh LC 475 System Enabler 065 1.1 Macintosh LC 520 System Enabler 403 1.0.2 Macintosh LC 550 System Enabler 403 1.0.2 Macintosh LC 575 System Enabler 065 1.1 Macintosh LC 630 System Enabler 405 7.1.2P Macintosh PowerBook 160 System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A Macintosh PowerBook 165c System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A Macintosh PowerBook 180 System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A Macintosh PowerBook 180c System Enabler 131 1.0.3 A Macintosh PowerBook 500 Series PowerBook 500 Series 1.0.1 Enabler 1.0 Macintosh PowerBook Duo 210 PowerBook Duo Enabler 1.0 B Macintosh PowerBook Duo 230 PowerBook Duo Enabler 1.0 B Macintosh PowerBook Duo 250 PowerBook Duo Enabler 1.0 B Macintosh PowerBook Duo 270c PowerBook Duo Enabler 1.0 Macintosh PowerBook Duo 280(c) PowerBook Duo Enabler 2.0 Macintosh Quadra 605 System Enabler 065 1.1 Macintosh Quadra 610 System Enabler 040 1.1 Macintosh Quadra 630 System Enabler 405 7.1.2P Macintosh Quadra 650 System Enabler 040 1.1 Macintosh Quadra 660AV System Enabler 088 1.1 Macintosh Quadra 800 System Enabler 040 1.1 Macintosh Quadra 840AV System Enabler 088 1.1 Macintosh TV System Enabler 404 1.0 ------------ Performa CPUs ------------ The Performa 200, 400, 405, 430 & 410 do NOT require an Enabler. Performa 600 System Enabler 304 1.0.1 Performa 450,460,466/7 System Enabler 308 1.0 Performa 475,476 System Enabler 364 1.1 Performa 550 System Enabler 332 1.1 Performa 630, 635CD System Enabler 405 7.1.2P Note: A - System Enabler 131 replaces System Enabler 111 and System Enabler 121 B - Express Modem users should also install the Duo Battery Patch (Extension). Article Change History: 15 August 1994 - Added new info about PowerBook 280c and Macintosh 630 family 17 May 1994 - Added new info about PowerBooks 28 March 1994 - Added new info about 7.1.2 and updated enabler section. 26 August 1993 - Separate Performa chart added; new products added; table rearranged. 1 December 1993 - Performa information removed and put into another article; new products added; table rearranged; System Enabler versions added. Support Information Services Copyright 1991-94, Apple Computer, Inc. 08970: TI